perm filename FODOR[RDG,DBL] blob sn#555925 filedate 1981-01-13 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
"The Mind-Body Problem"

  Fodor's article in January 81 "Scientific American".
  	(After overviewing this article, I'll discuss its content)
  Prof @ MIT in Psychology & Philosophy/Linguistics

Motivation - Philosophical article 
  Mentioned AI in intro
  I never understood dualism vs functionalism...,
	& these seemed relevant to discussions re: intelligent machines/people

	Describes & Critiques Prior Explanations
	The answer - functionalism
	Futher issues of Mind
(And I'll just give quick paraphrase of this, in order.
 See diagram)


	Philosophy recent interest in explaining Psychological states
	Is mind material, or etherial?
  Dualist vs Materialists [Behavior & Identity]
			    ↑ Watson
Dualist: Mind is non-physical
  Problem: Violation of physical laws (conservation...)
	Mind-body causality
	Fallen from favor for other reasons as well.

Radical Behaviorist:
	Only stimulus/response
	Role of Psy is catalog S/Rs.
	Better than ghosts
	No talk of mental causes/states, ...

Logical Behaviorist: Provides semantics to mental states:
	Equates mental states with behavioral disposition
	Every mental ascription ≡ (in meaning) to  If/Then rule
	Translates mental language into language of S/R
	Provides a materialistic account of mental causation
	Insists there are NO mental causes
	  Does not account for all interactions [between of mental states] 116
	Does not allow abstraction
	  Requires open-ended # behavior hypotheticals
	   to spell out the behavior dispositions expressed by mental term

Central-State Identity Theorist: 
	Mental causes ≡ neurophysiological events in brain
	Can have totally interal interactions [NOT leading to behaviour]
	So mental processes really physical
	Need abstraction - above level of neuron!
	Hardware based - how about Software?

Functionalist - from Cognitive Science
	Not what stuff is made of, but how arranged.
	View of information processor - with states...
		Stuff comes in, states change, stuff goes out.
	Compatible with best of LB & C-SIT, but independent of material
		(and so extendable to other systems)
	Not untruth, just triviality
	  [If states only functionally defined, then like Homonculi ]
		Answer: must suggest mechanism itself
	Here Turing machine (well defined computation on discrete symbols)

Questions re: Functionalism - 
1) Not limited to minds
2) Qualitative vs Quantitative Content [inverted spectrum - green/red]
	- if functionally the same, how to distinguish?
3) Handling of intentional content of mental states
	(propositions) - Functionalism has done well here.
	Basically: Symbols (they also have intentional content)
4) Issues of representation(al theory of the mind)
	Resemblence, and that set of problems ("tall"ness of John)
	Here Functionalism helps: semantics depending on function
		(↑ This seems central issue to empirical theories of the mind)


Token Physicalism: All mental particular WHICH HAPPEN TO EXIST are
	Type Physicalism:  The only mental particulars must be neurophysiological.
   Hence Type P. dismisses machines & disembodies spirits, as no neurons